Latest news
19 Sep
We are back with a new EFDN Member of the Month announcement! This September, we are delighted to announce Big Hearts Community Trust as our Member of the Month, accompanied by an interview with Charlotte Cailliez, Head of Fundraising and Communications, and Scott J. Troup, Project Lead for the Memories Read more
17 Sep
The 8th edition of the Football Works Tournament took place on September 13th, 2024, in the Penitentiary Institution of Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia. The tournament is part of the broader Football Works Festival, and it is organised by the European Football for Development Network (EFDN) in collaboration with KPZ Sremska Mitrovica, Read more
5 Sep
UEFA has released updated guidelines to ensure that European football and its infrastructure are accessible to everyone who wishes to participate. The UEFA Accessibility Guidelines focus on integrating accessibility across all aspects of football, including infrastructure, operational processes, workforce training, services, and matchday activities. Originally published in 2011, these guidelines Read more
5 Sep
A successful start to Bremen’s clean-up days around the wohninvest WESERSTADION. Bremen’s city cleaning service, together with SV Werder Bremen, was able to inspire over 23,000 helpers for the largest environmental participatory event. 400 Werder residents will help clean up on the first day of the event. Anne-Kathrin Laufmann, Managing Read more
Upcoming Events
5 Oct
EFDN is pleased to invite you to participate in its first EFDN Special Champions League tournament of the year. This time, the event will take place in Ghent from the 4th until the 6th of ...

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